We live in a world full of stress and pressures whether it be at home or the workplace. It is often difficult to face all the demands of our ever changing situations with our families, friends, colleagues, employers, and peers.

Age does not determine when we may start to feel mentally or emotionally disturbed due to the circumstances or people in our lives. We have found long lasting adverse psychological effects of stress experienced by fetus in the mother’s womb, babies, infants, teenagers, young adults, people going through the midlife transition, to geriatrics. Each stage of life presents a different environment for our growth as individuals and along come a large set of challenges that we must face and overcome to ensure mental and emotional stability.

It is a well-known fact that stress has harmful effects on all aspects of our lives including:

  • Physical: headaches, migraines, weight gain or loss, skin diseases like psoriasis, heart conditions like hypertension, sleep disorders, allergies, drug use, fatigue, IBS, etc.
  • Emotional: altering your feelings about yourself, others and situations around you
  • Mental: altering our thoughts, beliefs, judgement, focus, concentration, motivation, problem solving abilities, etc.
  • Social: negatively affecting our relationships with friends and family including co-dependency and abuse

“Overcome Stress for Mindful Living” is a 3 hour experiential workshop taught by Psychologist & Hypnotherapist Priti Gupta and Healer & Hypnotist Saket Rai that helps you:

  • Identify the different sources of stress in your life
  • Discover how stress-free living can help you to have work life balance and increase your performance and productivity
  • Learn what prevents you from stress-free and joyful living
  • Shed negative thoughts, beliefs and feelings that prevent you from living a balanced and happy life
  • Restore your true state of peace and bliss through a guided hypnotic meditation

It is time for you to take charge of your mind, body and life and “Overcome Stress for Mindful Living.” Give yourself a chance to shed the stress, pressures, tension, fatigue and anxiety that plagues you on a daily basis whether you are at work or at home. Allow your true self and your true potential to rise from within, radiating light and positivity towards everyone and everything around you. Emerge now.


Phone: 09871260053
V Block, DLF Phase III
Gurugram, Haryana