Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a methodology used to reprogram the mind through the use of language. Specifically, NLP enables us to look at

  • The way you use your sensory representational systems to perceive what’s happening around you in the world.
  • The way you use language to communicate and influence your own mind and those around you.
  • The way you use your ideas and behaviours to live out our desires and expectations.

It is important to realize that what one says may not necessarily be carry the same meaning for the receiver. This is best understood by considering two people trying to talk to each other. If one person speaks in French and the other one in Hindi, the two people will fail to comprehend each other even though words are exchanged. Similarly, humans use language patterns which lead them to think in a certain way and hence behave in a corresponding way and each individual has their own unique language. Thus, to influence the client’s mind to change their behaviour, the therapist must

  • Determine the change the client is looking for in their life (both the unwanted state and desired state).
  • Understand the structure of language being used by the client.
  • Identify how this language pattern is leading to the unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviour.
  • Instruct the client to modify the language pattern in order to change the way they think and behave.
  • Train the client to use the new more effective way of communicating with the self and others to generate and maintain a desired state of mind and body.
  • Ensure that the change in thoughts, feelings and behaviour is ecologically safe and healthy for the client in their given environment.

The efficacy of NLP in therapy stems from the fact that awareness of the client’s way of understanding and communicating with the world allows the therapist to use language that will elicit the desired outcome from the client.  Our mind creates our reality and it is essential that the mind use language that allows us to live the life you want.

Phone: 09871260053
V Block, DLF Phase III
Gurugram, Haryana