Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression Therapy allows us to access and resolve past life imprints and karmic issues for the purpose of personal growth and healing.

In each lifetime, we bring with us memories from past lives that carry an energetic charge and continue to affect us. These include intense positive and negative emotions such as love, guilt, anger, hatred as well as vows, sudden or traumatic deaths and emotional debts.  These charges can affect our thoughts, habits, willpower, behaviors, relationships and physical health. The primary aim of Past Life Regression Therapy is to provide the client with a space where they can uncover the truth of any situation from this life or another life, and clarify the distortions in their minds about those situations. This brings freedom to the client from the stored emotionally energetic charges and mental programming.

Past Life Regression Therapy is a powerful healing modality that helps clients to

  • RELEASE fears and phobias linked to past life traumas
  • NEUTRALIZE energetic charges by releasing past life traumas at the root of physical health problems
  • BECOME AWARE and ALIGN with the purpose of the soul in a given lifetime
  • RESOLVE karmic imbalance through clearing and forgiveness
  • GAIN NEW PERSPECTIVE on strained personal relationships

With the assistance of a trained expert, the client can make these energetically charged memories conscious, release the patterns that no longer serve them, align with the soul’s essence and live joyously and mindfully.


Phone: 09871260053
V Block, DLF Phase III
Gurugram, Haryana